延長賽,醒醒吧! 同學

2008年12月30日 星期二




2008年12月29日 星期一

某次... 看著三立的真情滿天下半個小時,

就把我深深的吸引住... 星期五凌晨12點~2點我在幹麻?

我在看... 真情滿天下的重播。 它的劇情實在是!!! 太吸引人了吧!

不要說我誇張... 去試試看。 只要半小時,立即見效.....


fiexd gear >> 定速車 >> 固定齒輪 >> 場地車

2008年12月9日 星期二

fiexd gear 又稱 固定齒輪 又又稱 定速車 比較正式的說法是 場地車

特色在哪呢? 他是沒有手動煞車,它的特色是踏板往後採輪子也會跟著往後跑。









以下是有關fiexd gear的影片。


What is the C-Walk?

2008年12月1日 星期一

What is the C-Walk?

The Clown Walk (also known as the C-Walk) refers to a modern dance style. It is a variation of the popular Crip walk dance. Clown Walking was created to distance the relationship between the dance style and the Crips gang. This was done in many public schools to stop the use of gang paraphenillia, but not ban the dance.

What is the difference between the Clown Walk and the Crip Walk?
Usually confused with one another, the Crip Walk is different from Clown Walking. Since both Clown Walking and Crip Walking both start with the letter "C", they are both referred to as C-Walking. Although this creates some confusion, there are major differences on how they are performed.

Clown Walking, as opposed to Crip Walking, is a form of dance that "evolved" from the Crip Walk. It is usually faster than Crip Walking (although not always the case). It takes the foundational moves of the Crip Walk, such as the shuffle and V's and expanding them to become flashier and more entertaining. This form of dance has no gang relations and is meant to be done for fun, rather than gang rituals. It is basically freestyle footwork, but has had some moves taken from Crip walking. Some of these moves would include the basic V and shuffle, but they've evolved into Clown Walking moves through variations walkers make.

What truly separates Clown Walking from Crip Walking is that while Clowning, you don't flash gang signs and other gang-related gestures or spell anything to represent a gang with your feet. In the end, the Clown Walk is simply a dance that has been adopted into hip hop culture.

Clown Walk moves consist of basic V, Shuffle, Heeltoe, Snake heeltoe, xhop. Dancers who utilize this particular form of dance often customize their own moves to make it unique.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clown_walk


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